Choice and Choice Programs: Finding Ways to Individualize Instruction/Personalized Learning

Marshall M. Stewart, Ed.S.


         Choice and choice programs are an essential element in order for traditional schools to thrive in today’s educational climate; however, few schools or districts are in a position to address such. It is more imperative today than ever that every district and public school be in a position to provide individualized instruction that meets the demands of students.

 From early college programs, site-based theater arts offerings, AP academy, Agriculture and Science Early College, CCT programs, Discovery Program at Barium Springs, International Baccalaureate schools, to a very vibrant Career Academy and Technical School, students today must have access to a wide range of areas in which to pursue interests while in the middle and high schools. This collection of academic offerings allows students to expand on the traditional in-the -class, face-to-face experience, thus making the district a stronger option for today’s students. With the growth of charter, private, and home schooling, the traditional school system must grow and adapt, or risk losing greater and greater numbers of students. Such choice programs provide and additional benefit—graduates have the opportunities to go straight into the workforce or start small businesses of their own. Be it positions as a CNA, fire fighter, heating and air conditioning, or owner of a masonry or auto mechanics shop, graduates have these routes at I-SS that offer more than a simple funneling of students to colleges and universities whose dreams or drive are for going straight into careers or entrepreneurships. The balancing act that must be observed is that such choice programs do not take up an inordinate amount of funding away from tradition school classes and programs that would result in watering down the traditional courses of English, social studies, math, and science.

Add to this the enormous impact that the recent Covid-19 pandemic has had on education. With nearly all schools across the country going remote/online practically overnight, the world of education has been and will continue to see its landscape forever changed. More and more students are opting for remote learning opportunities, collecting credits from multiple sites/schools, and holding down a job to help at home. It is paramount that teachers, administrators, and districts build a strong resume of individualized opportunities for families in order to keep pace with private and charter competition. I fully support and believe that institutions and teachers must have a repertoire that includes face-to-face instruction, Canvas-based online offerings, NC Virtual Public School courses, synchronous delivery, Apex-based recovery, and any other proven means of instructional delivery. In this era of personalized learning, our schools must find a way to offer Spanish 5 or nuclear engineering basics, whether in the classroom or via online means. Today’s students demand it.  

As such, a district, a school, must offer an individualized pathway in addition to traditional means in order to compete in today’s world of education. Choice programs and individualized instruction are hallmarks of successful, in-demand districts, and they will make it a model for others to either copy or fall behind.    M. Stewart, 2022